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Alcohol Consumption Markers

  • Ethylglucuronid and Ethylglucuronid-D5 - Consumption Markers - Pure substance
  • Medidrug® Ethylglucuronid 
    Medidrug® Ethylglucuronid-D5
    Pure substances to be used for calibration or quality control and also for isotope-labeled internal standard for determinations of ethyl glucuronide for alcohol abuse verification and abstinence control. 

    Certificate of analysis

    Product group overview

    Pure substance
    Ethyl glucuronide Ethyl glucuronide-D5
    Chemical name 
    222 g/Mol
    227 g/Mol
    Ethyl-ß-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid
    ≥ 99%
    Ethyl-ß-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid-D5
    --- Purity
    ≥ 99%

  • ALCM S - Consumption Markers in Serum (2 analytes)
  • Medidrug® ALCM S
    Lyophilized reference material based on serum for quality control of ethanol metabolites ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate determination. The indicated target values are determined by independent accredited laboratories.

    Certificate of analysis

    Product group overview


    ALCM S

    2 analytes

    L1 L2 L3
    target values
    Ethyl glucuronide
    mg/l 0,1 1,0 5
    Ethyl sulfate
    mg/l 0 0 2

  • ALCM U - Consumption Markers in Urine (2 analytes)
  • Medidrug® ALCM U
    Lyophilized reference material based on urine for quality control of ethanol metabolites ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate determination. The indicated target values are determined by independent accredited laboratories.

    Certificate of analysis

    Product group overview


    ALCM U

    2 analytes

    L1 L2 L3 L4
    target values
    Ethyl glucuronide
    mg/l 0,10 0,50 1,0 5,0
    Ethyl sulfate
    mg/l 0,035 0,175 0,35 1,70

  • ALCM series H-a - Consumption Markers in Hair authentic (5 analytes)
  • Medidrug® ALCM Serie H-a 
    Authentic cut reference material for determination of alcohol consumption markers in hair, manufactured from hair of European alcoholic beverage consumers. It is appropriate for method development and validation as well as for internal quality control. Compared to milled or spiked hair samples our reference material can be washed too. This assures a comprehensive quality control for the entire analytical process. The yield of ethyl glucuronide extracts from these reference material is to be monitored (please see following information). The target values have been established within the bounds of the proficiency tests by the Society of Hair Testing SoHT in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) and MEDICHEM. The samples’ homogeneity has been controlled under repeatability conditions.

    Certificate of analysis

    Product group overview

    Hair - authentic

    ALCM series H-a

    3 analytes

    1/11-C 12-A 12-B 14-A 14-B
    target values
    Ethyl glucuronide
    pg/mg 232) 512) 832) 92) 292)
    Ethyl palmitate 4)
    pg/mg 2743) 8753) 1813) 1083) 5713)
    Fatty acid ethyl esteres, total
    pg/mg 13423) 32183) 4983) 3583) 20803)

    2) Target values by SoHT: determinations solely from hair samples milled before extraction

    3) The proficiency test (SoHT) was performed with no specified target values; indicated values (without washing) are for orientation purpose. etails: please see CoA).

    4) Consensus SoHT 2019: For evaluating alcohol consumption, only values of ethyl palmitate are used

  • EtG H-d - Consumption Markers in Hair spiked (1 analyte)
  • Medidrug® EtG  H-d
    Gravimetrically spiked cut reference material in 11 levels for determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair, prepared from hair of European donors. The reference material is suitable for internal quality control of the determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair. The gravimetric value has been verified by the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing performing multiple determinations. Homogeneity of the samples is controlled under repetitive conditions 

    Certificate of analysis

    Product group overview

    Hair - spiked

    EtG H-d

    1 analyte

    000 004 005 007 020 025 030 040 050 100 200
    traget values
    Ethyl glucuronide
    pg/mg < LOD 4 5 7 20 25 30 40 50 100 200